Magic Dot ********* .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status Library that allows deep extraction of layered data structures (like JSON). * Free software: BSD license * Documentation: Introduction ============ Magic Dot encapsulates data to allow the versatile extraction of its contents. It is easier to use than ``setdefault`` or ``try:`` ``except`` that typical extraction from a structured like JSON. Consider the following simplified JSON snipppet curl :: import json data = json.loads(""" [ { "type": "PushEvent", "payload": { "commits": [ { "author": { "name": "Bubba" }}]}}] """) ``magic_dot`` can retrieve the first name of the first commit, with a default of "nobody" if any part of that chain is missing with the the following: :: from magic_dot import MagicDot, NOT_FOUND name = MagicDot(data)[0].payload.commits[0]"nobody") Since the incoming JSON can't be trusted, without magic_dot, you have to verify that each layer is there. This can be done with a ``try:`` ``except``, nearly as efficiently, but it is more verbose. :: try: name = data[0]['payload']['commits'][0]['author']['name'] except (IndexError, KeyError): name = "nobody" Other features, like pluck, selective exceptions, attribute support, and iteration can lead to cleaner code. Features ======== Forgiving NOT_FOUND Handling ---------------------------- Manipulations of the MagicDot structure will raise no exceptions when one of the attributes or keys are not found. Instead it delays this until the ``get()`` call that extracts the data at the end. When the ``get()`` is called, there are three ways of handling missing data: **Default is to return magic_dot.NOT_FOUND** :: >>> md.nonexistent.get() magic_dot.NOT_FOUND **You can request a default value for magic_dot.NOT_FOUND** :: >>> md.nonexistent.get('bubba') 'bubba' **Or you can enable exceptions when referencing the nonexistent data** :: >>> md.exception().nonexistent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NotFound Traceback (most recent call last) Exceptions are not enabled by default. They can be enabled during creation I.E ``MagicDot(data, exception=True)`` and switched on and off with the ``MagicDot::exception(exception=False)`` method. Dict and List Item Handling --------------------------- When a `md[item]` is encountered, data will be extracted as follows: 1. If ``md.__data[item]`` exists, that is used. 2. If ``md.__data.item`` attribute exists it is used. 3. If ``.exception()`` is enabled, a NotFound exception is raised. 4. Otherwise ``md.NOT_FOUND`` is assigned to the resulting encapsulated data. Attribute Handling ------------------ When a ``md.key`` is supplied data will be extracted as follows: 1. If ``md.__data.key`` attribute exists it is used. 2. If ``md.__data[key]`` item exists, it is used. 3. If ``.exception()`` is enabled, a NotFound exception is raised. 4. Otherwise ``md.NOT_FOUND`` is assigned to the resulting ``md.__data``. Iteration Support ----------------- If the currently encapsulated data is an iterable, MagicDot supports iterating over the contained data with the resulting iteration being a MagicDot wrapper around the iterated data. >>> from collections import namedtuple >>> data = [1, {'x': 2}, namedtuple('x', 'x')(3)] >>> for md in MagicDot(data): ... print(md.get()) 1 {'x': 2} x(x=3) By default, if an attempt is made to iterate over ``NOT_FOUND`` data, a ``TypeError`` will be raised. The iteration code can be changed to instead return an empty list. ::: >> md = MagicDot(1, iter_nf_as_empty=True) >> for x in md.nonexistent: .. print(md.get()) (prints nothing) Other Operators --------------- Currently, there is one additional operator, ``MagicDot::pluck()``, which if the encapsulated data is a list, it will attempt to extract a named attribute or key from the entire list. The returned value is a MagicDot with the new plucked list. Future Enhancement ================== Future enhancements will be to support many of the `Underscore js`_ array and collection capabilities like ``compact``, ``reject``, and ``count``. .. _`Underscore js`: Credits ======= This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the `audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`_ project template. .. _Cookiecutter: .. _`audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`: